119IBM SPSS Data Collection Survey Tabulation, IBM SPSS Data Collection Survey Reporter Server Edition, and IBMSPSS Data Collection Author Server Edition installation informationWhen Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 is installed on a computer that is running Windows 7or Windows Server 2008 R2, and FIPS enabled, you cannot run an ASP.NET 3.5-basedapplication that use a ScriptManager control. You can download a Microsoft Hotfix(https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/Downloads/DownloadDetails.aspx?DownloadID=27494)that addresses this issue.E The Start Copying Files screen lists the installation choices you have made. If these settings arecorrect, click Next to begin the installation. If not, click Back and step back through the screens tomake the necessary changes.Note: The installation procedure places a number of keys in the registry. The WebServiceURL keycontains the URL to use for starting Survey Tabulation. If the installer can find the server’s domainname in the registry, it includes it in the URL so that, for example, the server called olympus isshown as olympus.spss.com. If the WebServiceURL is incorrect, Survey Tabulation will not start.E To complete the installation, perform the post-installation tasks.IBM SPSS Data Collection Survey Tabulation, IBM SPSS Data Collection SurveyReporter Server Edition, and IBM SPSS Data Collection Author Server Editionpost-installation tasksAfter you install IBM® SPSS® Data Collection Survey Tabulation, IBM® SPSS® DataCollection Survey Reporter Server Edition, or IBM® SPSS® Data Collection Author ServerEdition there are a number of tasks you may need to perform to ensure all components are able tofunction correctly. Full details of these tasks are given below under separate headings. Users who have a license for Microsoft Office Web Components (OWC) can use the chartingfeature in Survey Tabulation, Survey Reporter Server Edition, or Author Server Edition.Access to charting is disabled by default. To enable access for licensed users, see Enablingcharts in the Phone Reports activity. Set up users and roles in IBM® SPSS® Data Collection Interviewer Server Administrationand assign roles to Interviewer Server Administration activities. For Windows XP Service Pack 3, or if running Survey Tabulation, Survey Reporter ServerEdition, or Author Server Edition through a firewall, add the ASP.NET account to the Launchpermissions on LogBck02. For Windows XP Service Pack 3 only, open port 80 on the firewall if remote connections arerequired for this machine. Check Internet Explorer settings. If you have installed onto a machine on which IBM® SPSS® Data Collection BaseProfessional is installed, add Base Professional users to the IBM® SPSS® Data Collectiongroup so they have access to the log file folder. Start mrUserAdminServer and mrDPMServer3 if they are not already running. Set up projects in Interviewer Server Administration. Optionally, install the IBM® SPSS® Data Collection Developer Library.