107IBM SPSS Data Collection Survey Tabulation, IBM SPSS Data Collection Survey Reporter Server Edition, and IBMSPSS Data Collection Author Server Edition installation informationDialog How to edit the templateDlgSelectWebsite svComment configures the web site used for the Data Collectionfolders and applications; szPath configures a physical location forthe web files; UseSSL configures whether SSL is used in product;ConfigureMultipleInstances configures multiple instances for the Web,Accessory, and Interviewing tiers. The default property value is FALSE.When the property is set as TRUE, the server installer will read instanceconfigurations from DlgSetISAVirtualDirectory, DlgSetSessionEngineand DlgSetSessionEngine.szPath=c:\Inetpub\wwwrootsvComment=Default Web SiteUseSSL=FALSEConfigureMultipleInstances=FALSEResult=1DlgFIPS EnableFIPS defines whether SSL is used; PasswordUpgrade defineswhether the password is upgraded when upgrading from a previous versionto version 6.0.1 (when FIPS is disabled); NEWPASSWORDPATH configuresa physical location for the new password file path when upgrading from aprevious version to version 6.0.1.EnableFIPS=FALSEPasswordUpgrade=TRUENewPasswordPath=C:\Program Files\Common Files\IBM\SPSS\DataCol-lection\6\InstallerDlgClusterMachines Define the names of the machines to be included in the cluster. You mayenter multiple machines per line by using a semicolon (;) delimiter.InterviewServer=WebServer=AccessoriesServer=SurveyTabulationServer=SurveyReporterServer=AuthorServer=DlgClusterMachinesSelect Defines the Web Service machines that will be used for Interviewing andthe ImageCache and Phone Interviews service.InterviewWebServer=ImageCacheWebServer=CatiInterviewWebServer=DlgClusterAdvanced Configures each machine in the cluster. You need to specify the portnumber used in IIS for the service, and whether SSL is used. For eachitem, it is a string in the form: hostname:port:protocol.InterviewServerNum=InterviewServer1=WebServerNum=WebServer1=AccessoriesServerNum=AccessoriesServer1=SurveyTabulationServerNum=SurveyTabulationServer1=SurveyReporterServerNum=SurveyReporterServer1=AuthorServerNum=AuthorServer1=Ensure that the server number remains consistent with the definedmachines. For example:InterviewServerNum=2InterviewServer1=IBMServer1:80:HTTPInterviewServer2=IBMServer2:80:HTTP