136Chapter 5The ChangePasswords utility does not change the system password for the InterviewerServer Running user; you must do this using the standard Windows tools before runningChangePasswords. Rather, it updates password information held in the registry for InterviewerServer components and services that will be run by the Running User.Note: You can run this utility while the Interviewer Server services are running.Updating passwords for IBM SPSS Data Collection Interviewer Server components and servicesE If you have not already done so, use the standard Windows tools to change the account passwordsfor the Running User and Anonymous Access User.E Open Windows Explorer, browse to the folder in which the Interviewer Server application isinstalled (for example, [INSTALL_FOLDER]\IBM\SPSS\DataCollection\6\Interviewer Server)and double-click ChangePasswords.exe.This opens the Change Password Utility dialog box, showing the current domain name and username.E In the Password fields, type the new passwords for the Running User and the Anonymous AccessUser.E Click Change.The program displays a message confirming that all passwords have been changed.Deleting or truncating SQL log filesDeleting or truncating log files prevents them from becoming too large and possibly running upagainst a system limit that prevents IBM® SPSS® Data Collection Interviewer Server fromfunctioning correctly. Recommendations are as follows: Delete or truncate the log files for the mrUserData and mrInterviewData databases as part ofyour regular system maintenance plan, as there is always a lot of activity in this database andthe log file grows at a rapid rate. When you back up a database, truncate or delete the log file that Interviewer Server uses forrecording messages related to that database.Refer to your SQL Server documentation for information on how to delete or truncate SQL logfiles.Changing the Web site portThe default port number for web sites is port 80. When you install the Web Service onto a web sitethat uses a different port number, you can specify this port number and the installation programwill ensure that IBM® SPSS® Data Collection Interviewer Server will run using that port. If youchange the port number that your web site uses after installing Interviewer Server, you must makethe corresponding changes for Interviewer Server manually.