134Chapter 5E On the Virtual Directory Alias page, enter mrIEngWS2 as the alias and then click Next.E On the Web Site Content Directory page, browse to the path of the mrIEngWS2 folder that youcreated earlier and click Next.E On the Virtual Directory Access Permission page, click Next to keep the default settings.E Click Finish.E Right-click the mrIEngWS2 virtual folder and select Properties.E On the Virtual Directory page, click Create.E In Application Pool, select the SPSSmrInterviewPool2 application pool that you created earlier.E In Execute Permissions, select Scripts and Executables.E Uncheck the Read and Write checkboxes.E Click the Configuration button.This opens the Application Configuration settings page.E On the Mappings page, click Add.This opens the Add / Edit Application Extension Mapping page.E Browse to the mrIEngWS2 folder that you created earlier, and select mrIEngWS.dll.You will need to enclose the path in double quotation marks so it may looklike this: “[INSTALL_FOLDER]\IBM\SPSS\DataCollection\6\InterviewerServer\Server\mrIEngWS2\mrIEngWS.dll”.E In the Extension input box, type .dll.E Under the Verbs heading, select Limit to: and type GET,HEAD,POST,DEBUG in the text box.E Click OK once to close the dialog box, and then again to go back to the Virtual DirectoryProperties page.E On the Directory Security tab, under Authentication and Access Control, click Edit.E Enter the user name and password for the Anonymous Access User that you specified duringthe Interviewer Server installation.E Click Apply to save your changes and then OK to close the dialog box.E In IIS, select Web Service Extensions.E Double-click IBM® SPSS® Data Collection ISAPI Extensions.E On the Required Files tab, click Add to add mrIEngWS.dll in the folder that you created at thestart of this procedureE Click Apply and then close the dialog box.