148Chapter 7E Open your browser and selectTools > Internet OptionsE In Temporary Internet Files, click Delete Files.E Confirm your request when prompted to do so.I can log in to IBM SPSS Data Collection Interviewer Server Administration if I enter theURL as //localhost/... but not if I enter the server’s name instead of localhostIf the server name contains any characters other than letters, numbers, hyphen, and dot, youwill not be able to log in to IBM® SPSS® Data Collection Interviewer Server Administrationby specifying the server name in the URL. This is due to a limitation in Internet Explorer whichprevents servers whose names contain characters other than these from setting cookies. If youwant to use this server with Interviewer Server Administration and IBM® SPSS® Data CollectionInterviewer Server you will either have to change its name or refer to it using its IP address.How do I simultaneously login to separate IBM SPSS Data Collection InterviewerServer Administration or IBM SPSS Data Collection Interviewer Server sessions asdifferent users in Internet Explorer?If you attempt to simply open a new Internet Explorer window or tab, the second window/tabwill use the first session’s settings and will not allow you to launch an additional IBM® SPSS®Data Collection Interviewer Server Administration or IBM® SPSS® Data Collection InterviewerServer session as a different user. If you want to simultaneously login to separate InterviewerServer Administration or Interviewer Server sessions as different users, select the Internet ExplorerFile > New Session option.Machines in the cluster can ping one another successfully but cannot see FMRootThe standard test for ensuring that all machines in a cluster can communicate with one another isto try pinging each machine from every other machine in the cluster. If your site has increasedits security by switching off Client for Microsoft Networks, then even though machines will beable to ping one another they may not be able to access FMRoot on the primary DPM server. Toresolve this problem, switch on Client for Microsoft Networks on the machines on which IBM®SPSS® Data Collection Interviewer Server Administration and IBM® SPSS® Data CollectionInterviewer Server are installed.Errors when attempting to ping machines in a clusterIf machines in a cluster cannot ping one another, the problem is usually due to the security setup between those machines.The message “Request timed out” usually occurs if there is a firewall blocking communicationbetween the two machines.