133Maintenance tasksThe property’s value is displayed in the lower right-hand frame.E In the lower right-hand frame, add the name of the new interviewing server to the IVServerListvariable (names must be separated with semicolons) and click Apply.E Close DPM ExplorerE On the original interviewing server, do the following: Navigate to C:\Program Files\Common Files\IBM\SPSS\DataCollection\6\ProjectMgmtand edit pm.ini. Add the name of the new interviewing server to the IVServerList variable(names must be separated by semicolons). Open a command prompt and navigate to C:\Program Files\CommonFiles\IBM\SPSS\DataCollection\6\ProjectMgmt. Type pmsetup.E Back on the new interviewing server, open a command prompt, type RegIntSvr /u /d to unregisterand disable the server temporarily.This allows you to activate projects on the server while ensuring that the server does not startinterviews. If you start the Interview Engine at this point, the Web server will try to sendinterviews to the new server, but because the .mdd file does not exist on that server, respondentswill be redirected to another server in the cluster.E Copy the folders for active jobs from the File Management folder (FMRoot\Master) into thenew server’s Projects folder.E At a command prompt, type RegIntSvr /e to register and enable the interviewing server.Adding session engines to an IBM SPSS Data Collection Interviewer ServerEach Interview Session Engine runs within its own w3wp.exe worker process. These workerprocesses become unstable when their memory usage reaches about 1.5Gb. You can avoid thisproblem by adding additional Interview Session Engines to your IBM® SPSS® Data CollectionInterviewer Servers, as long as the machines that are hosting the Engines have sufficient memory.This automatically adds additional worker processes which effectively doubles the amount ofmemory that each server can use for serving interviews.E In Windows Explorer, browse to [INSTALL_FOLDER]\IBM\SPSS\DataCollection\6\InterviewerServer\Server, and make a copy of the mrIEngWS folder. Rename the copy to mrIEngWS2.E Create a new application pool: Open IIS. Right-click Application Pools and select New and then Application Pool. Enter SPSSmrInterviewPool2 as the name for the new application pool. Click Use existing application pool as template and choose SPSSmrInterviewPool from thedrop-down list.E Under Web Sites, right-click the web site that gives access to Interviewer Server and choose Newand then Virtual Directory.E Click Next to continue.