82Chapter 3This displays the property’s value in the lower right-hand frame. In the lower right-hand frame, replace the machine name with the fully qualified machinename and click Apply.This updates the entry in the upper right-hand frame.E If the Web Service cannot communicate with the Interviewing Engine Service using a basicmachine name, update the DefaultCluster property as follows: In the left-hand frame click the Clusters entry. In the DefaultCluster property, replace the value of WEBSERVERLIST with a fully qualifieddomain name, for example:DBSERVER&=&MyDbServer&;&DBDRIVER&=&SQLServer&;&IVSERVERLIST&=&MyIntServer&;&WEBSERVERLIST&=&ServerName.DomainName.com&;&Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=mrInterviewData;Data Source=MyServerName;E Close DPM Explorer.Fully qualified machine names and IBM SPSS Data Collection Survey Reporter Server Edition/IBMSPSS Data Collection Author Server EditionWhen a fully qualified machine name is used to access IBM® SPSS® Data Collection SurveyReporter Server Edition or IBM® SPSS® Data Collection Author Server Edition on an IBM®SPSS® Data Collection Interviewer Server the Survey Reporter Server Edition/Author ServerEditionStartURL will need to be changed (via DPM) to the fully qualified machine name in orderto prevent connection issues. Do not use a relative URL when updating the StartURL value.Cancelling the requirement for mrIEngWS to use a secure channelIf your web site uses SSL you will need to cancel the requirement for mrIEngWS to use asecure channel.E From Control Panel select:Administrative Tools > Internet Information ServicesThis opens the Internet Information Services window.E In the left-hand frame, navigate to the Web site through which users will access IBM® SPSS®Data Collection Interviewer Server. Then right-click on the web site name and select Properties.This opens the Web Site Properties dialog box.E Right-click mrIEngWS and select Properties.E In the Secure communications frame, click Edit.This opens the Secure Communications dialog box.E Cancel Require secure channel (SSL) and click OK.E Close IIS.