106Chapter 4Dialog How to edit the templatedlgUserAdmin The IBM® SPSS® Data Collection group used to access DataCollection components and the Data Collection user for launching andrunning Data Collection services. If you choose domain user, youmust change NOT_SET as your domain name; if you choose to useworkgroup user, you keep the settings USERDOMAIN=NOT_SET, andGROUPDOMAIN=NOT_SET.UserDomain=NOT_SETUserName=UserPassword=GroupDomain=NOT_SETServerGroup=SavePasswords=Result=1When the SavePasswords value is set to true, the encrypted passwordof service user/anonymous and user/DPM Admin user is recorded inthe DataCollectionSitePrep.ini file. When set to false, the passwordis not recorded to the DataCollectionSitePrep.ini file, which requiresyou to manually configure the user/anonymous and user/DPM Adminuser passwords in the response files for all cluster machines. Refer toDlgAskAnonUser and DlgAskDPMAdmin sections below for moreinformation.The Anonymous User is used by Microsoft Internet Information Services(IIS) for running web-based applications. If you choose domain user,you must update NOT_SET as your domain name; if you choose to useworkgroup user, you must keep the setting ANONYMOUSUSERDOMAIN=NOT_SET.AnonymousUserDomain=NOT_SETAnonymousUser=AnonymousUserPassword=Note: The domain group cannot be a Local domain group. Domain groupsmust be created as Global, otherwise the DPM Server will not start afterinstallation.DlgAskAnonUser When the dlgUserAdmin dialog’s SavePasswords value is set to false,you must manually configure the user/anonymous passwords in theresponse files for all cluster machines. For example:AnonymousUserPassword=XXXResult=1DlgAskDPMAdmin When the dlgUserAdmin dialog’s SavePasswords value is set to false,you must manually configure the user/DPM Admin user passwords in theresponse files for all cluster machines. For example:DpmAdminPassword=XXXEnableIWA=FALSE Result=1SdShowDlgEdit1 Defines the SQL Server instance used to create the Data Collectiondatabase.szEdit1=DlgNewDPMAdmin Defines the DPM Admin user to manage users on the system. EnableIWAis used to enable Integrated Windows Authentication.DpmAdminUser=DpmAdminPassword=EnableIWA=FALSEDlgEmailSettings Specifies the e-mail SMTP server.EmailServerName=NOT_SETEmailServerPort=25