33IBM SPSS Data Collection Interviewer Server installation informationPorts needed for domainsThe following ports must be open in order to establish a domain trust or secure channel acrossa firewall. If there are hosts that have both client and server roles on both sides of the firewall,you may need to mirror these rules.Note: These lists were obtained from the Microsoft document How to Configure a Firewall forDomains and Trusts (Q179442) and have not been tested.On Windows, the following ports must be open.Client Port(s) Server Port Service1024-65535/TCP 135/TCP RPC. Note: There arespecific requirements for RPCcommunications beyond what islisted in the table. For additionalinformation about configuringRPC communication for afirewall, refer to the Microsoftarticle Configuring RPC DynamicPort Allocation to Work With aFirewall.137/UDP 137/UDP NetBIOS Name138/UDP 138/UDP NetBIOS Netlogon and Browsing1024-65535/TCP 139/TCP NetBIOS Session1024-65535/TCP 42/TCP WINS ReplicationBacking up your systemIt is recommended that you back up or make images of all machines on which you will be installingIBM® SPSS® Data Collection Interviewer Server software before you run the installationprogram. This ensures that you will be able to go back to your current setup should anything gowrong. It also means that it will be easier to add extra machines into the cluster at a later date.Installation proceduresThe installation procedure varies depending on whether you are installing IBM® SPSS® DataCollection Interviewer Server on a single machine or on more than one machine.Single machine installation. When you want to install all of the services onto a single machine, youinstall from the DVD-ROM. Note that the Database Service can be located either on the samemachine as Interviewer Server or on a central server.Multiple machine installation. A typical installation consists of the following steps: First, you log in on the Primary DPM server and run the installation from the DVD-ROMto create a site preparation file that names the machines on which the various services willbe installed, and to set up a central installation folder on the server that can be used by othermachines in the cluster. When the installation program finishes, you need to share this foldermanually.