113IBM SPSS Data Collection Survey Tabulation, IBM SPSS Data Collection Survey Reporter Server Edition, and IBMSPSS Data Collection Author Server Edition installation informationCreating the IBM SPSS Data Collection Survey Tabulation, IBM SPSS Data Collection SurveyReporter Server Edition, or IBM SPSS Data Collection Author Server Edition groupNote: If you are installing IBM® SPSS® Data Collection Survey Tabulation, IBM® SPSS® DataCollection Survey Reporter Server Edition, or IBM® SPSS® Data Collection Author ServerEdition and IBM® SPSS® Data Collection Interviewer Server, you must use the same InstallingUser, Running User, Anonymous Access User, and Group for all products.The Survey Tabulation, Survey Reporter Server Edition, or Author Server Edition Running Userand Anonymous Access User must belong to a single group. The notes that follow describe theprocess for single machine installations. When installing on multiple machines, the domainadministrator will need to create the group so that it is valid for all machines in the domain. Forworkgroup installations, the group must exist on all machines that will run Survey Tabulation,Survey Reporter Server Edition, or Author Server Edition.Creating a new group (single machine installation)E Open Control Panel and choose:Administrative Tools > Computer ManagementThis opens the Computer Management window.E Expand Local Users and Groups, right-click Group and choose New Group.This opens the New group dialog box.E Enter a name and description for the group and click Add.This opens the Select Users or Groups dialog box.E Choose the users who will be part of the group and click Add.Note: You must add the Installing User, the Running User and the Anonymous Access User tothis group.E Click OK to close the Select Users or Groups dialog box.E Click Create and then Close.Ports for running IBM SPSS Data Collection Survey Tabulation, IBM SPSS DataCollection Survey Reporter Server Edition, or IBM SPSS Data Collection Author ServerEdition through a firewallIf you will be running IBM® SPSS® Data Collection Survey Tabulation, IBM® SPSS® DataCollection Survey Reporter Server Edition, or IBM® SPSS® Data Collection Author ServerEdition through a firewall, certain ports on the firewall must be open.