Chapter 438Restricting dialing 4This feature is to prevent users from sendinga fax or call to a wrong number by mistake.You can set the machine to restrict dialing byusing the dial pad, One Touch, Speed Dial orLDAP search.If you choose Off, the machine does notrestrict any dialing method.If you choose Enter # twice, the machinewill prompt you to re-enter the number, andthen if you re-enter the same numbercorrectly, the machine will start dialing. If youre-enter the wrong number, the LCD willshow an error message.If you choose On, the machine will restrict allfax sending and outbound calls.Dial pad restriction 4a Press Menu, 2, 6, 1.26.Dial Restrict.1.Dial Pada Offb Enter # twiceSelect ab or OKb Press a or b to choose Off,Enter # twice or On.Press OK.c Press Stop/Exit.One Touch restriction 4a Press Menu, 2, 6, 2.26.Dial Restrict.2.One Toucha Offb Enter # twiceSelect ab or OKb Press a or b to choose Off,Enter # twice or On.Press OK.c Press Stop/Exit.Speed Dial restriction 4a Press Menu, 2, 6, 3.26.Dial Restrict.3.Speed Diala Offb Enter # twiceSelect ab or OKb Press a or b to choose Off,Enter # twice or On.Press OK.c Press Stop/Exit.LDAP server restriction 4a Press Menu, 2, 6, 4.26.Dial Restrict.4.LDAP Servera Offb Enter # twiceSelect ab or OKb Press a or b to choose Off,Enter # twice or On.Press OK.c Press Stop/Exit.Note• The Enter # twice setting will not workif you use an external phone or pressHook before entering the number. You willnot be asked to re-enter the number.• You can not restrict dialing when you useRedial/Pause.• If you chose On or Enter # twice, youcan not use the Broadcasting feature andcan not combine quick dial numbers whendialing.