567Telephone lineservices 7Voice Mail 7If you have Voice Mail on the same telephoneline as your Océ machine, Voice Mail and theOcé machine will conflict with each otherwhen receiving incoming calls.For example, if your Voice Mail is set toanswer after 4 rings and your Océ machine isset to answer after 2 rings, then your Océmachine will answer first. This will preventcallers from being able to leave a message inyour Voice Mail.Similarly, if your Océ machine is set toanswer after 4 rings and your Voice Mail is setto answer after 2 rings, then your Voice Mailwill answer first. This will prevent your Océmachine from being able to receive anincoming fax, since Voice Mail cannottransfer the incoming fax back to the Océmachine.To avoid conflicts between your Océ machineand your Voice Mail service, do one of thefollowing:Get the Unique Ring service from yourtelephone company. Unique Ring is a featureof your Océ machine that allows a personwith one line to receive fax and voice callsthrough two different telephone numbers onthat one line. Océ uses the term "UniqueRing", but telephone companies market theservice under a variety of names, such asCustom Ringing, Personalized Ring, SmartRing, RingMaster, Ident-A-Ring, Ident-A-Call,Data Ident-A-Call, Teen Ring, and SimpleBizFax & Alternate Number Ringing. Thisservice establishes a second telephonenumber on the same line as your existingtelephone number, and each number has itsown ring pattern.Typically, the original number rings with thestandard ring pattern and is used forreceiving voice calls, and the second numberrings with a different ring pattern and is usedfor receiving faxes. (See Unique Ringon page 56.)ORSet your Océ machine’s Answer Mode to"Manual". Manual Mode requires that youanswer every incoming call if you want to beable to receive a fax. If the incoming call is atelephone call, then complete the call as younormally would. If you hear fax sending tonesyou must transfer the call to the Océ machine.(See Using external and extensiontelephones on page 62.) Unanswered faxand voice calls will go to your Voice Mail. (Toset the machine in MANUAL Mode, seeChoose the correct Answer Modeon page 50.)Unique Ring 7Unique Ring is a function of your Océmachine that allows a person with one line toreceive fax and voice calls through twodifferent phone numbers on that one line.Océ uses the term "Unique Ring", buttelephone companies market the serviceunder a variety of names, such as SmartRing, Ring Master or Ident-a-Ring. Thisservice establishes a second telephonenumber on the same line as your existingtelephone number, and each number has itsown ring pattern. Typically, the originalnumber rings with the standard ring patternand is used for receiving voice calls, and thesecond number rings with a different ringpattern and is used for receiving faxes.Telephone services and externaldevices 7