Chapter 542NoteWhen faxing multiple pages from thescanner glass, real time transmissionshould be set to Off. (See Real TimeTransmission on page 47.)Faxing A4/Legal/Folio sizedocuments from the scannerglass 5When faxing A4/Legal/Folio size documents,you need to set the scan glass size to A4orLegal/Folio otherwise a portion of yourfaxes will be missing.a Make sure you are in Fax mode.b Press Menu, 1, 9, 1.19.Document Scan1.Glass ScanSizea Letterb Legal/FolioSelect ab or OKc Press a or b to choose A4 orLegal/Folio.Press OK.d Press Stop/Exit.Canceling a fax in progress 5Press Stop/Exit to cancel the fax. If youpress Stop/Exit while the machine is dialingor sending, the LCD will show as below:Clear Fax?a 1.Yesb 2.NoSelect ab or OKPress 1 to cancel the fax.