506Choose the correct Answer Mode 6The correct Answer mode is determined by the external devices and telephone subscriberservices (Voice Mail, Unique Ring, etc.) you have (or will be using) on the same line as the Océmachine.Receiving a fax 6Will you be using a Unique Ring number for receiving faxes?Océ uses the term "Unique Ring" but different telephone companies may have other names for this servicesuch as Custom Ringing, RingMaster, Personalized Ring, Teen Ring, Ident-A-Ring, Ident-A-Call,Date Ident-A-Call, Smart Ring and SimpleBiz Fax & Alternate Number Ringing. (See Unique Ringon page 56 for instructions on setting up your machine using this feature.)Will you be using Voice Mail on the same telephone line as your Océ machine?If you have Voice Mail on the same telephone line as your Océ machine, there is a strong possibility thatVoice Mail and the Océ machine will conflict with each other when receiving incoming calls. (See VoiceMail on page 56 for instructions on setting up your machine using this service.)Will you be using a Telephone Answering Machine on the same telephone line as your Océmachine?Your external telephone answering machine (TAM) will automatically answer every call. Voice messagesare stored on the external TAM and fax messages are printed. Choose External TAM as your answermode. (See Connecting an external TAM (telephone answering machine) on page 59.)Will you be using your Océ machine on a dedicated fax line?Your machine automatically answers every call as a fax. Choose Fax Only as your answer mode. (SeeFax Only on page 51.)Will you be using your Océ machine on the same line as your telephone?Do you want to receive voice calls and faxes automatically?The Fax/Tel answer mode is used when sharing the Océ machine and your telephone on thesame line. Choose Fax/Tel as your answer mode. (See Fax/Tel on page 51.)Important Note: You can not receive voice messages on either Voice Mail or an answeringmachine when choosing the Fax/Tel mode.Do you expect to receive very few faxes?Choose Manual as your answer mode. You control the telephone line and must answer every callyourself. (See Manual on page 51.)To set the answer mode follow the instructions below:a Press Menu, 0, 1.b Press a or b to choose the answer mode.Press OK.c Press Stop/Exit.01.Answer Modea Fax OnlyFax/Telb External TAMSelect ab or OKThe LCD will display the current answer mode.