184 • Vacon apfiff09 marineTel. +35867.11 Master Follower7.11.1 Master Follower: Standard systemThe Master/Follower function is designed for applications in which the system is run by several NXPdrives and the motor shafts are coupled to each other via gearing, chain, belt etc. The NXP drives arein closed loop control mode.The external control signals are connected to the Master NXP only. The Master controls theFollower(s) via a System bus. The Master station is typically speed-controlled and the other drivesfollow its torque or speed reference.Torque control of the Follower should be used when the motor shafts of the Master and Followerdrives are coupled solidly to each other by gearing, a chain etc., so that no speed difference betweenthe drives is possible.Speed control of the Follower should be used when the motor shafts of the Master and the Followerdrives are coupled flexibly to each other so that a slight speed difference between the drives ispossible. When both the Master and Followers are speed-controlled, drooping is typically also used.P SpeedShareW 100,00ADD+++F Adjust ReferenceR FreqRef2 LIMITMNINMXP Max FreqP Pos Freq LimitLIMITMNINMXP - Max FreqP Neg Freq LimitLIMITMNINMXFilt x2INTCOUTV FreqReferenceW FreqRefFilterTCR FreqRefActualSwitchINTIMEOUTW StartZeroSpeedTimeR FreqRef1Final Reference Location Ramp Control InputMULDIVVALUEMULTIPDIVISRAMP GENERATOR"Selectionlogic""Ramp Hold""RampSet""Force Zero""Second Ramp""Normal Ramp""ByPass"R FreqRampOut ADD++W FreqRampAddADD++W FreqRampStepLIMITMNINMXW FreqMaxW PosFreqLimit0LIMITMNINMXW -FreqMax0W NegFreqLimitLIMITMNINMXR FinalFrequencyRefTo Speed ControllerRamp Control InputMaster ReferenceMaster Ramp Out