apfiff09 marine vacon • 3124-hour support +358 (055.2.3 Master / FollowerHere are gathered revelant signals in Mater follower system.Note for DriveSynch Systems:In a DriveSynch system, only Master drive monitoring signals are reliable.Only directly measured values are reliable in follower units. Even the Output Frequency ofDriveSynch follower is not directly observed and thus may not show actual output frequencythat is controlled by DriveSynch Master Drive.V1.26.1 SB SystemStatusID 1601D1: Status of all (max 4) drives status in system bus.D2, D3 and D4: Drive own status B0-B3System Bus Status Word ID1601FALSE TRUEb0 Drive 1 in synchb1 Drive 1 Readyb2 Drive 1 Runningb3 Drive 1 Faultb4 Drive 2 in synchb5 Drive 2 Readyb6 Drive 2 Runningb7 Drive 2 Faultb8 Drive 3 in synchb9 Drive 3 Readyb10 Drive 3 Runningb11 Drive 3 Faultb12 Drive 4 in synchb13 Drive 4 Readyb14 Drive 4 Runningb15 Drive 4 FaultV1.26.2 Total Current A ID 80D1: This value is the current of whole drive synch system.D2, D3 and D4:This value is the sum current of the drive own power unit andthat of the drives with smaller system bus identification number starting frommaster drive.If D2 Master: This value is the current of whole drive synch system.