224 • Vacon apfiff09 marineTel. +35867.15.3 Closed Loop settings7.15.3.1 Start Up torqueThe start-up torque is used to generate torque against the brake so that when the brake ismechanically opened there will be no position change because the drive is already generating thetorque needed to keep the load in place.Settings the start-up torque time is set to -1 means that the start-up torque is removed when thedrive notices encoder movement. Setting the time greater than 0 will denote the actual time for howlong the start-up torque is applied to the motor even if the motor shaft is already rotating thusmaking the motor accelerate without control until time has expired.P2.15.12.1 CL: Startup torque ID6210 = Not Used1 = Torque MemoryTorque memory uses the torque that was used by the speed controller last time the drivewas in running state. Normally, this is the torque generated when the zero speed time atstop has expired and the drive has stopped modulation or started the flux off delayfunction.2 = Torque ReferenceThe normal torque reference chain is used (expect TorqueStep) for the start-up torquelevel. This can be used when the external system knows the load on the shaft whenbrake is released.3 = Torque Forwad/ReverseDrive uses torque values defined by the start-up torque forward and reverse.P2.15.12.2 Start-up torque, forward ID633Sets the start-up torque for forward direction if selected with pararameter StartupTorque.P2.15.12.3 Start-up torque, reverse ID634Sets the start-up torque for reverse direction if selected with pararameter StartupTorque.P2.15.12.4 Start-Up Torque Time ID1371This parameter defines for how long the start-up torque will be used instead of thespeed controller output. If the time is set to -1 the drive will automatically start to usethe speed controller when speed change is read from encoder. When the setting is >0the drive will use this defined torque even if speed changes are read from encoder.7.15.4 Roll Back Control for Closed LoopP2.15.13.1 Roll Back KpID1787P2.15.13.2 Roll Back Torque ID1788P2.15.13.3 Roll Back Level ID1789