112 In struments, controlsBoard In formation Display 3,System settingsPress the Sett ings button of theInfotainm ent system. Menu item Audio orSystem will app ear.Press the lower button of the four-waybutton to reach m enu item System . Afterpressing the right-hand part of the four-way button, the first function of the Systemmenu is shown.Some inform ation appea rs on the displa yin an abb reviated form.The functions are displayed in the followingorder:z Time synchronisation,z Time, setting hours,z Time, setting minutes,z Date, setting day ,z Date, setting month,z Date, setting year,z Ignition logic,z Language selection,z Setting units of measure.C orrec ting ti me 3S om e RDS transm itters do not send acorrec t time signal. I f the incorrect time iscontinually displayed, deactivateautomatic time synchronisation 3 and setthe tim e m anua lly - see nex t page.11:25} 21 .5°CSystem11:25} 21 .5°CClo ck Sync.On