210 Drivin g and operatio nAnti-lock Brake System (ABS u )ABS continually monitors the brake systemand prevents the wheels from lockingreg ardless of the type of road surfac e ortyre grip.It starts to regulate the braking p ressure assoon as a w heel shows a tendency to lock.The v ehicle remains steera ble, even in theevent of very heavy braking, for instanceon bends or when sw erving to av oid anobstacle. Even in the ca se of full-onbraking, the ABS makes it p ossible to driveround an obsta cle without releasing thebrakes.ABS control is made app arent through apulse in the brake peda l and the noise ofthe regulation proc ess.Control i nd icator u for ABSIt illum ina tes for a few seconds after theignition is turned on. The sy stem is read yfor operation when the control indicatorextinguishes.If the control indicator does not go outafter a few seconds, or if it illuminateswhilst driving, there is a fa ult in the ABS.The brake system remains operationalwithout ABS regulation.Self-checkEach time the ignition is turned on and theengine started , after moving away from aspeed of around 2 mph (3 k m/h) the systemperforms a self-check which may beaudible.FaultY ou can continue driving, provided y oudrive with care and anticipation.Hav e the cause of the fault elim ina ted by aworkshop. The self-d ia gnosis integratedinto the system allows rapid faultidentification.9 WarningFor optimum b ra king, keep the brak epedal fully depressed throughout thebraking p rocess, despite the fac t that thepedal is pulsating. Do not red uce thepressure on the pedal.Do not let this special safety featuretempt y ou into taking risks when driving.Traffic safety can only be achieved byadopting a responsib le driving style.9 Warnin gIf there is a fault in ABS, the wheels maybe subject to locking due to braking thatis heavier tha n normal. The ad vantagesof AB S are no longer opera tional.