291Technical dataFuel consumption (approx. l/100 km ), CO2 emissions (approx. g/k m), Hatch 5-door (tyre width up to 235 mm)Eng ine 1 )1) Sa les desig nation – see pa ges 284, 285.Z 18 XE Z 18 XER Z 20 NET Z 22 S EManual/sports/Ea sytronic/a utomatic tra nsmissionurbanextra-urbantota lCO 210. 5/10.8/–/–5. 6/ 5.9/–/–7. 4/ 7.7/–/–178/ 185/–/–10. 2/10.0/ 9. 8/–5.6/ 5.7/ 5.5/–7.3/ 7.3/ 7.1/–175/ 175/170/––/12.6/–/––/ 6.4/–/––/ 8.7/–/––/ 209/–/–– /11.5/–/13.4– / 6.3/– / 6. 6– / 8.2/– / 9. 1– / 197/–/ 218Eng ine1 ) Z 22 YH Z 28 NEL Z 28 NET Z 28 N ET VXRManual/sports/Ea sytronic/a utomatic tra nsmissionurbanextra-urbantota lCO 210. 4/10.4/–/11.46. 1/ 6.0/–/ 6.27. 7/ 7.6/–/ 8.1185/ 182/–/ 19415. 5/–/–/17.27.4/–/– / 7. 410. 4/–/–/11.0250/–/–/ 26415.5/– /–/17.27.4/–/–/ 7.410.4/– /–/11.0250/– /–/ 26415.4/–/– /2 )7.3/– /–/ 2)10.3/–/– /2 )247/–/– /2 )2) Va lues no t a va ila ble at tim e of p rinting.Eng ine1 ) Z 19 DTL Z 19 DT Z 19 DTH Z 30 DTManual/sports/Ea sytronic/a utomatic tra nsmissionurbanextra-urbantota lCO 27.5/– /–/–4.8/– /–/–5.8/– /–/–157/–/– /–7.5/– /–/–4.8/– /–/–5.8/– /–/–157/–/– /–7.5/–/–/ 9. 64.8/–/–/ 5. 55.8/–/–/ 7. 0157/–/–/1899.9/–/–/10.35.3/–/–/ 5.47.0/–/–/ 7.2189/– /–/ 194