93Seats, interiorCigarette lighter 3The c ig arette lighter is in the front centreconsole.Press in cigarette lighter with ignitionswitched on. S witches off autom aticallywhen elem ent is glowing. Withdrawcigarette lighter.Accessory soc kets 3The soc ket in the centre console and thecigarette lighter socket can be used toconnect electrical accessories. The socketsare ready for operation when the ignition isswitched on. If the eng ine is not running thebattery will be discharged. More acc essorysockets 3 can be found in the centreconsole beneath the rear air vents 3 and inthe Travel Assista nt 3.Estates have an additional accessorysocket 3 to the left in the luggagecompartment next to the lug gagecompartment lig hting.Do not dam age the soc kets by usingunsuitable plugs.The maximum power c onsumption ofelectrical ac cessories m ust not ex ceed120 w atts.Do not connect any current-deliveringacc essories, e.g. electrical chargingdevices or b atteries.Electrical ac cessories connected to thesocket must c om ply with theelectromagnetic compatibilityrequirements laid down in DIN VDE 40 839,otherwise v ehicle malfunctions may oc cur.Accessory sockets in the TravelAssistant 3 – see page 60.