13In briefHeated rear window,heated exterior mirrors:6 Air c onditioning 3 – see page 140,heated rear window, heated exteriormirrors – see page 143.To demist or defrost windows:Set air distribution to l,turn rotary knob for temperatureand airflo w clockwise;Air con ditioning system 3:Press bu ttons n and V;Automatic air conditioningsystem 3:Press bu ttons n and V,turn rotary knob fortemperature clockwise,airflow to A;Electronic Climate Control 3:Press bu tton V6 C lim ate control – see pa ge 140.Setting auto matic m ode ofElectronic Climate Control 3:Press AUTO button,set temperature for driver’sand front passenger’s sides usingleft and right rotary knobs6 Electronic C limate Control 3 –see page 156.On = Press ÜOff = Press Ü again