60 Seats, interiorIf it is correctly locked , the red m ark mustno long er be visible in the window,otherwise the p rocedure must be rep eated.Dr ink holder a nd accessory sock etsOpen the drink holder by pressing themarking.Only a ccessories w ith maximum powerconsumption of 120 Watts m ust beconnected to the accessory sockets. Fornotes – see page 93.St owage com partm ent sThe lower stowage comp artment is openedby pressing the ma rk . The und ersid e of thecompa rtm ent has an opening throughwhich objects in the compartment can beraised.The up per stowage compartment islocated under the armrest. To open, pressthe button and fold the armrest upwa rds.9 WarningIf it is not c orrectly locked, the TravelAssistant could be propelled forwardswith considerab le force when hardbraking occurs, risk of injury.