302 Tec hnic al data(ctd.)Tyre pressure in psi/barSaloon / Hat ch Tyre p ressure forloa d of up to3 peopleTy re pressureECO 1) loaded w ithup to 3 p eopleTyre pressure forfull loadEngine2 ) Tyres Front Rear Front Rear Front Rea rZ 19 DTL,Z 19 DTH195/65 R 15,205/55 R 1635/2.4 35/2.4 – – 36/2.5 44/3. 0215/55 R 16,215/50 R 17,225/45 R 17,225/45 R 1833/2.3 33/2.3 38/2.6 38/2.6 35/2.4 42/2. 9Z 19 DT 195/65 R 15,205/55 R 1633/2.3 33/2.3 – – 35/2.4 42/2. 9215/55 R 16,215/50 R 17,225/45 R 17,225/45 R 1832/2.2 32/2.2 36/2.5 36/2.5 33/2.3 41/2. 8Z 30 DT 215/55 R 16, 36/2.5 33/2.3 – – 39/2.7 46/3. 2215/50 R 17,225/45 R 1838/2.6 35/2.4 – – 39/2.7 46/3. 2225/45 R 17 39/2.7 35/2.4 – – 41/2.8 48/3. 3all T 115/70 R 16 3) 61/4.2 61/4.2 – – 61/4.2 61/4. 21) To red uce fuel co nsum ption a s much a s po ssible.2) Sales d esigna tion – s ee p a ges 284, 28 5.3) For notes on the temp orary spa re w heel - see p ag e 237.