48 Keys, doors, windows, sunroofO perated using rotary switch in theoverhead control panel.To openTurn the rotary switch to any positionbetween d a nd ü. The sunroof willautomatically move to the desired position.When the switch is in position ü , thesunroof is fully opened .Com fort positi onSet rotary switch to position f. With theroof in this position, w ind noise is reduc ed.To close:Turn rotary sw itc h to d.To raiseTurn the rotary switc h to any positionbetween d and e. The sunroof w illautom atic ally m ov e to the d esired position.When the rotary switch is in position e, thesunroof is fully raised.To lowerTurn rotary switch to d.Posit ion memoryAfter the ignition has been switched on, thesunroof c an be autom atic ally returned toits last position b y briefly pressing therotary sw itc h.Safety func tionIf the sunroof encounters resistance duringautom atic closing, it is im med ia telystopped and opened again, as long as thevehicle is stationary.If the sunroof mov ement is stiff, e.g. due tofrost, turn rota ry switch to d a nd keep itpressed until the sunroof is closed.C losi ng sunr oof from outsideTo close the sunroof from outside with theremote control: Press button p until thesunroof is closed.If the electric windows 3 are to be closedfrom outside the vehicle, but the sunroof isto be left op en, briefly press the rotaryswitch before sw itc hing off the ignition.Autom atic closing 3S ee page 33.9 WarningIf when the vehicle is being driven thesunroof encounters resistance duringautomatic closing, because of the higherclosing forces inv olv ed the protectiv efunc tion ca nnot be guaranteed, a ndthere is a risk of injury.