214 Drivin g and operatio nTyre cond ition, w heel condi tionDrive over edges slowly and at a rig htangle if p ossible. Driving ov er sha rp edgescan lead to hidden ty re damage a nd wheeldam age which is only noticed later on.When pa rk ing, ensure that the tyres a re notpressed against the ed ge of the kerb .Check tyres regularly for dama ge(p enetrated foreign bodies, punctures,cuts, c ra cks, bulges in side walls). Chec kwheels for dam age. If dam age or unusualwear is found, contact a work shop.Tread d ep thC heck tread depth regularly.If w ear in the front is greater than that inthe rear, m ov e the rear wheels to the frontax le and vice versa.C orrect tyre pressure.For reasons of safety , tyres should bereplaced when their tread depth has worndown to 2 to 3 mm (winter tyres: 4 mm).9 WarningDama ge m ay lead to ty re blow-out.