151Climate controlAutom atic m odeBasic setting for max imum comfort:z Set fan rotary knob to A.z Set air d istribution rota ry k nob to desiredposition – see nex t column.z Use rotary knob to set temperature to22 °C (a higher or lower tem perature canbe set as desired).z Air conditioning compressor activation –see pa ge 152.z All front air vents op en. If d esired, therear air v ents also 3.Dea ctivation of the air conditioningcompressor ca n reduce the level of comfortand safety – see pag e 152.Air distri butionSetting with the left rotary k nob.Intermediate settings are possible.Open the air vents w hen the air distributionrotary knob is set to L or M.Temperat ur e p resetS etting with the centre rotary knob .S et the rotary knob to a value between17 °C and 27 ° C. Intermed iate settings arepossible.The selected tem perature is m ainta ined.For reasons of com fort, temperature canonly be changed in small increments.There is no temperature control for setting sbelow 17 °C (all the way left) or above27 °C (a ll the way right). The airconditioning sy stem works at ma ximumcooling or heating.L To head area via adjustable airvents, to footwellM To head area via adjustable airventsl To windscreen and front d oorwindowsJ To windsc reen, front door windowsand footwellK To footw ell