150 Climate c ontrolWindow dem isting a nd defrostingMisted or ic y windows, such as in dampweather, from wet clothes or w hen outsidetem peratures are low:z C ooling n on, the air conditioningcompressor autom atically switches itselfoff at low outsid e tempera tures (icing).z Press button V: The fan w illautomatically switch to 4, air distributiondirected on to the windsc reen.z Turn the temperature rota ry knobclockwise.z O pen side air vents as required anddirect them towa rd s d oor w indows.z Sw itch on heated rear window Ü.To switch off, press button V aga in; theair c onditioning w ill operate at the settingsselected previously.Automatic air co nditio ningsystem 3Provides a uniformly comfortab le interiorregardless of the weather, outsidetemperature or season.To ensure a constant and com fortableclimate in the vehicle, the temperature ofthe inflowing air and the air-flow rate arechanged automatically based on clima teconditions outsid e the vehicle.Temperature changes due to ex ternalinfluences, such as direct sunlight, areautomatically compensated .9 WarningFailure to follow the instructions couldlead to m isted or icy windows a ndaccidents stemming from impairedvisibility.