135Lightin gFront reading l ights 3Left and right reading lights areindividually operable. With ignition on:Courtesy lig hts and rear read ing light s 3Centre sw itc h position: The rear courtesylig ht illum ina tes together with the front onewhen a d oor is opened.The rear reading lights on the left and rightcan be switched on separately. Withignition on:Entry l ighting 3After unlocking the v ehicle, the instrumentand switch illumination as well as thecourtesy lig hts illuminate for a few seconds.I lluminat ed mirror i n the sunvi sors 3The lig hting switches on when the cover isopened.Glov e c ompar tment lig ht ingGlove compartment is illuminated when lidis open a nd ignition on.C igarette lig hter and ashtra yill uminati on 3Illuminates when ignition is switched on.Luggag e c ompart ment light ing 3Illuminates when the luggagecompa rtm ent/tailga te is opened.Autom atica lly reg ul ated centre consolelig hting 3S potlight in housing of interior m irror.Day lig ht-dependent, automaticallyregula ted centre console lighting withignition switched on.O n = Press button a.O ff = Press button a a gainOn = Switch position IOff = Switch position 0