87Seats, interiorSeat oc cupancy recognition 3The seat occupancy recognition systemdeactivates the front and side airbags forthe front passenger’s sea t if the frontpassenger’s sea t is not occupied or aVauxhall child restraint sy stem withtransponders 3 is fitted on the frontpassenger’s sea t. The curtain airbagsystem 3 rem ains activ ated.The c ontrol indicator for seat occupancyrecognition y is located in the odometerdisplay. If control indicator y illuminatesfor approx. 4 seconds when the ignition isswitched on, the vehicle is eq uipp ed w ithseat occupancy recognition; see nex tpage, Fig. S 14742.If a Vauxhall c hild restra int system withtransponders 3 is fitted, the controlindicator y illuminates continuously afterthe ig nition is switched on as soon as thesystem has detected the child restraintsystem. Only then may the child restraintsystem with transpond ers 3 be used on thepassenger’s sea t.Vehicles with seat occupancy recognitioncan also b e identified by the stick er on theside of the instrum ent panel - seeillustration a bove.Vauxhall c hild restraint system s w ithtra nsponders 3 are automaticallydetected if correctly fitted to the frontpassenger’s seat. When these childrestra int system s a re being used on thefront passenger’ s seat, the front and sideairbag systems for the front passenger’sseat are dea ctiv ated. The curtain airbagsy stem remains ac tiv ated. Pay attention tocontrol indicator seat y for occ upa nc yrecognition 3 - see page 88.Vauxhall child restraint systems withtransponders 3 can b e identified by asticker.9 Warnin gOnly Vaux hall child restraint systems withtra nsponders 3 can be fitted on the frontpasseng er’s seat. Use of sy stems w ithouttra nsponders poses a risk of fatal injury.