276 Service, maintenanc eCoola nt temperat ureIf the temperature ga uge enters the right-hand (wa rning) z one or control indic ator Willuminates, check the coolant levelimmediately .z Coolant level too low:Top up coolant, noting the instructionsgiven under "Anti-freeze and corrosionprotection" and "C oolant level". H avethe cause of the coolant loss rectified bya workshop.z Coolant level O K:Have the cause of the elevated coolanttemperature rectified. C ontac t awork shop. Brake fluidBrake fluid lev elThe fluid lev el in the reservoir must beneither higher than the MAX mark norlow er than the M IN m ark.Use of certain brake fluids can lead todam age or reduced braking effect. Wetherefore rec om mend that you use onlyhigh performa nce app roved b ra ke fluid.Extrem e cleanliness is needed whentopping up, since contamination in thebrak e fluid can c ause brake sy stemma lfunctions.After c orrecting the brak e fluid level, havea work shop eliminate the cause of thebrak e fluid loss.9 WarningBrake fluid is poisonous and corrosiv e. Donot allow it to come into contact witheyes, skin, fab ric or painted surfaces.Direct contac t could cause injury anddam age.