161Climate controlAirflowTurn the centre rotary knob c lock wise oranticlockwise (if no menu for m anua lsettings is d isplay ed). The selec ted fanlev el is indicated by x and numbers in thedisplay.At speed 0 both the fan a nd cooling (a irconditioning c om pressor) are switc hed off.To return to automatic mode: Press AUTObutton.Fan c ont rol in autom atic mode 3Fan regulation in a utomatic mode can bemodified.Select menu item A ut omati c blow er fromthe manual settings menu a nd select thedesired fan control.Depend ing on the setting, the maxim umairflow, and thereby the noise level, willincrease.Sw itching autom atic air rec irculati on 3 onor offThe automatic air recircula tion system hasan air qua lity sensor to d etect harmfulgases in the outside air, in whic h case it willswitch automatically to a ir recirculation.S elec t menu item Auto. r eci rc from thema nual settings menu and switc h it on oroff by pressing.S witc h to manual air rec irculation asnec essary .FM [TP] C Din 90.6 MHzAutomatic blowerStrongNormalWeakClimateAir distribut.ACAutom. blowerAuto. recircAutomaticrecirculationair control atbad outside air