205Driving and o perationO nce the ignition is switched on, the sy stemis operational and w ill continuouslymonitor the tyre pressures at speeds ofapprox. 20 m ph (30 km /h) and a bove.Tyre pressure – see pa ges 213, 299.Display of current tyre pressure 3Select menu item Tyres from the BoardComp ut er menu.The current pressure of each tyre isdisplay ed.C ontrol indicator w in red a s w arningmessageIllumination in red whilst driving indicatesdeviating tyre pressure.Indicator illuminates red:Minor tyre pressure differenc e; slow down.C heck ty re pressure a t next opp ortunitywith a suitable gauge and correct ifnec essary .Indicator flashes red:C onsiderab le pressure d ifference or directloss of pressure. Stop imm ediately andcheck tyre and ty re pressure. Fit sparewheel if necessary - see pages 236, 238.9 WarningThe tyre pressure monitoring system doesnot replace manual check s with asuitable gauge.Check tyre pressures a t least ev ery14 day s and prior to any long journey;the tyres should be checked when cold.Don’t forget to check the spare 3.Ü Board ComputerBC 1BC 2TimerTyres