269Service, mainten anceRoyal Autom obile Club (R.A.C. ),R.A.C . Motoring Services Ltd.89-91 Pall Mall,LON DO N, SW1Y 5HSThe C ustomer Rela tions Depa rtm ent,Soci ety of Motor Manufacturers andTraders Ltd. (S .M.M. T.),Forbes House, Ha lk in Street,LON DO N, SW1X 7DSCustomer C omplaints Serv ice,Scot tish Motor Trad e A ssocia tion,(S.M .T.A.),3 Palmerston Place,EDI NBURGH, EH12 5AQThe N ationa l Conciliation Service,Retail Motor Ind ust ry Fed era tion,9 North Street,RUBGY , CV21 2ABIf you have a p roblem w hilst abroa d:The S ervice Departments of Adam OpelGmbH and General Motors brancheseveryw here will provide information andassistance:In Luxemb ourg please contact theGeneral Motors S ervice Department inAntwerp – Belg iumTelephone: 00 32-34 50 63 29General Motors Austria GmbHGroß-Enzersdorfer S tr. 591220 Vi enna – AustriaTel. 00 43-1-2 88 77 444 or00 43-1-2 88 77 0General Motors Belgium N.V.Noordelaan 401 - Haven 5002030 Antw erp – BelgiumTel. 00 32-34 50 63 29General Motors Southeast Europeorg. slož kaOlbrachtova 9140 00 Prague – C zech Republ icTel. 00 420-2 39 004 321General Motors DanmarkJaegersborg Alle 42920 C harlottenlund – Denm arkTel. 00 45-39 97 85 00Vauxhall M otors Ltd .Customer Ca reGriffin House, O sborne RoadLuton, Bedfor dshi re, LU1 3YT – Engla ndTel. 00 44-845 090 2044General Motors Finland OyPa juniityntie 500320 Helsinki – Finl andTel. 00 358-9 817 101 47General Motors Franc e1 – 9, avenue du M araisAngle Q ua i de Bezons95101 Argenteuil C edex – FranceTel. 00 33-1-34 26 30 51ADAM OPEL Gm bHBahnhofsp la tz 165423 Rüsselsheim – Germ anyTel. 00 49-61 42-77 50 00 or00 49-61 42-7 70General Motors Hellas S. A.56 Kifisia s Av enue & Delfon str.Amarousion151 25 Athens – GreeceTel. 00 30-1-6 80 65 01General Motors Southeast Europe Ltd.S zabadsag utca 1172040 Budaörs – H ung aryTel. 00 36-23 446 100General Motors IndiaS ix th Floor, Tower AGlobal Business ParkMehra uli – Gurgaon RoadGurga on 122 022, Haryana – I ndiaTel. 00 91-124 280 3333General Motors Ireland Ltd.O pel House, Unit 60, Heather RoadSa ndyford , Dublin 18 – IrelandTel. 00 353 1-216 10 00General Motors Italia SrlPiazza le dell’Industria 4000144 Rome – It alyTel. 00 39-06-5 46 51General Motors Ned erland B. V.Lage Mosten 49 – 634822 NK Breda – N et herla ndsTel. 00 31-76-5 44 83 00General Motors Norge ASK jeller-Vest 62027 Kj el ler – Norw ayTel. 00 47-23 50 01 04General Motors Poland Sp. z o. o.Wołoska 506- 675 Wa rsa w – Pola ndTel. 00 48-22-606 17 00