273Service, mainten anceTo check the engine oil level, insert wipedoil dipstick into dipstick tube as far as it willgo. Top engine oil up if the lev el hasdropped into the range of the top -up m arkMIN .The engine oil level must not exceed theupper mark M AX on the dipstic k. Excessengine oil must be drained off or extracted.If the engine oil level is above the MAXmark there is a risk of damage to theengine or the ca ta lytic converter.The a mount filled must be betweenthe M IN and MAX marks – see p age 308.Top up with the same brand of engine oilthat was used during the previous oilcha ng e, following the instruc tions in theServ ic e Booklet.To close, position the cap and screw it intoplace.Capacities – see page 308.Engine oil change, oi l filter chang eC ha nge oil at a work shop according to theservice interva l shown on the display .We recommend that you use g enuineeng ine oil filters.9 Warnin gWa ste engine oil cannot b e disposed ofwith domestic refuse. Observ e the lega lrequirem ents for d isposal of old oil andfilters to protect the environment andyour health.