232 Self-help, vehicle careTowingTowing your own v ehi cleTo open the cover concealing the towingeye socket at the front right of the vehicle:disengage the cover at the bottom and pullit off downwards.The front towing ey e is located in thecompartment containing the jack andvehic le tools underneath the spare wheel inthe lugga ge c om partment. Jack andvehic le tools – see page 238.Screw in the front towing ey e anticlockwiseas fa r as it will go until it stops in ahorizontal position.Attac h a tow rope 3 – or better still a towrod 3 – to the eye.The front towing eye may b e used only fortow ing the vehic le, not for rescuing it.Switch on ignition to release steeringcolum n lock and to permit opera tion ofbrake lights, horn and windscreen wiper.Manua l transmission or Easy tronic 3 inneutra l, automatic transmission 3 in N.Drive slowly . Do not drive jerkily . Excessivetractive force c an damage the vehicle.To prevent the entry of exhaust fum es fromthe tow ing vehicle, switch on the airrecirc ulation 3 and close the wind ow s.Vehicles with automatic tra nsmission 3should b e towed facing forw ards only andmust not be tow ed faster than 50 mph(80 km/h) or further than 60 m iles (100 km).If the transmission is defective, or if theabov e speed or distance is to be exceeded,the front ax le m ust be raised off theground.9 Warnin gFor brak ing and steering, significantlyhig her forces are required: brakeassista nce and steering assistance areeffectiv e only w ith the engine running.