121Instru men ts, c ontrolsIf less than 30 miles (50 k m) can be drivenwith the fuel rema ining in the tank, thewarning "Range" a ppears on the d isplay .If less than 20 miles (30 k m) can be drivenwith the fuel rema ining in the tank, thewarning "Please refuel! " 3 appea rs on thedisplay. At that point "Please refuel! " 3 willalso be displa yed on the trip comp utermain pa ge (Ma in) instead of "Range" .Acknowled ge the menu item as desc rib edon page 116.Instant aneous consump tionDisplay changes depending on speed :Di st ance trav ell edDistance travelled display.Measurement may be reset to zero at anytim e and restarted - see " Resetting the tripcomputer information" .Average speedAv erage speed display.Measurement may be reset to zero at anytim e and restarted - see " Resetting the tripcomputer information" .Stoppages in the journey with the ignitionoff are not includ ed in the calculations.Effectiv e consum ptionFuel consumption display.Measurement may be reset to zero at anytim e and restarted - see " Resetting the tripcomputer information" .Average consumpt ionAv erage consump tion display .Measurement may be reset to zero at anytim e and restarted - see " Resetting the tripcomputer information" .Reset ting t he tr ip comp uter informat ionThe following trip com puter inform ationcan b e reset (restart measurements):z Distance travelled,z Average speed,z Effective consum ption,z Average consum ption.S elec t BC 1 or BC 2 from the trip computermenu.Display in gal/h below 8 mph (13 km/h)Display in mp g ab ov e 8 m ph (13 km /h)Range2 9m ilesOKÜ Board Computer 19,5° 19:36BC 1 All valuesBC 2257.0 milesTimer Ø 40 mphTyres7.0 gal.Ø 31.0 miles/ gal.11118888