49Keys, doors, windows, sunroofSunshadeTo red uce the sunlight in the interior withthe sliding roof closed or raised.O pen or close sunshade as req uired.When the sunroof is opened, the sunshadeis also op ened.O verloadIf the sy stem is overloaded, the powersup ply is automatically c ut off for a shorttime.FaultIf the sunroof no longer assumes thedesired position automatically ,programme sunroof electronics as follow s:1. Switch on ignition.2. Press the rotary switch until the sunroof isshut, then k eep it pressed for a t least afurther 3 seconds.3. Turn rotary switch to ü and keep itdepressed until the sunroof is open.4. Turn rotary switch to d and keep itdepressed until the sunroof is c losed .5. Turn rotary switch to e and leave thereuntil the sunroof is fully raised.6. Turn rotary switch to d and keep itdepressed until the sunroof is c losed .Electrically operatedrear window blind 3Reduces intensity of sunlig ht shining on torear seats. O peration w ith ignitionswitched on.To ra ise = Press NTo low er = Press N againDo not operate blind if there are objectslying in front of the rear w indow.Su nblinds for rear door windows 3To reduc e sunlight a t the rear seats.Pull the blind upw ards using the grip andeng age it at the top in the door frame.