83Seats, interiorIn add ition, the front a irb ag system w illnot be trig gered for the front passenger’sseat in model v ariants with seat occupancyrecognition 3 if:z the front passenger’ s seat is unoccupied,z there is a prop erly fitted Va ux ha ll childrestraint system with transponders 3 .Seat oc cup ancy recognition – seepage 87. Vauxhall child restraint systemwith transponders 3 – see page 77.Side airb ag 3The side a irb ag system is identified by theword AIRBAG on the outb oa rd sides of thefront seat backrests.The side a irb ag system c om prises:z an airbag with infla tor in the back of thedriver’s and front passenger’s seatrespectively ,z the control electronics,z the side-impact sensors,z control indicator for airb ag sy stems v ininstrument cluster,z seat occ upa ncy rec og nition 3,z the control indicator for Va ux ha ll childrestraint systems y with transponders 3in the od om eter displa y.The side airbag sy stem will be triggered:z depending on the sev erity of theaccident,z depending on the ty pe of im pact,z within the range shown in the illustrationon the centre d oor pillar of the driver’s orfront passenger’ s side,z ind epend ently of the front airbagsy stem.Exception:Front p assenger’s seat with seatoccupancy recognition system 3. The seatoccupancy recognition sy stem dea ctivatesthe front and side airbags 3 on the frontpassenger’ s side if the front passenger’sseat is unoccupied or a Vauxhall childrestraint system w ith transponders 3 hasbeen fitted to the front passenger’s seat.S eat occupancy recognition - see pag e 87.Vauxhall child restraint system withtransponders 3 - see pag e 78.9 WarningSeat belts m ust therefore a lways be worn.The front a irb ag system serv es tosupplement the three-point seat belts. Ifyou do not wea r your seat belt you riskbeing seriously injured, or even thrownfrom the vehic le, in the ev ent of anaccident.In the event of an a ccident the seat belthelps to keep y ou in the correct seatingposition, so tha t the front airbag systemcan provid e you with effective p rotection.