Cache Control 183 Manually entering each Web site in the Edit List screen. Loading an existing list of Web sites from an external text file in theLoad List From File screen. A combination of the above methods.Manually Entering a Web Site Into the Cache Control ListTo manually enter a Web site in the Cache Control List:1 Log in to the Web interface.2 Click Caching on the Toolbar.3 Select Cache Control > Edit List in the Navigation Tree.4 In the Enter the domain to add to the Cache Control List field, enter thedomain name, IP address or IP address range of the Web site you want toadd to the list.5 In the Caching Behavior field select either: the length of time you want the content to be pinned or Never Cache if you want the Webcache never to cache the content.6 Click Add to add the domain name, IP address or IP address range to thelist.7 Repeat step 4 to step 6 for each Web site that you want to prevent frombeing cached or pin in the cache.If you want to remove an entry from the list, click on an entry in the listand click Remove. To delete all entries at once, click Remove All.8 Click OK to save your changes.You must clear cached objects before the current Cache Control list cantake effect. If you are going to further configure Cache Control, forexample by adding or removing domains from the list, you may want towait until you have completed those tasks before clearing the cache.For example, if you want to prevent the all the subdomains of Web site from being cached, enter, selectNever Cache from the Caching Behavior drop-down box and click OK.This will prevent, from being cached. Alternatively you could enter the IPaddress or IP address range of the site. This might look Page 183 Friday, November 29, 2002 8:56 PM