I NDEX 351Ffactory defaults 65, 307filter policycreating 152forcing a preloadpreloading content 198forgetting your password 106front panel 61front panel LEDs 61activity 62cache storage status 61link status 61power/self test 62Ggetting started command 253GNU General Public License 358HHelp View 100hiding the web interface 105hierarchical caching 53hotspotsconsole port 97LAN port 97II/O performance graph 223disk activity 223disk blocks 223DNS hit rate 223network packets 223TCP connections rate 223TCP sends and retransmits 223ICP caching 123information area 96initialize command 267, 308initializeConfig command 260inline cache 52installing the Webcache 59Internetaddresses 26InterNIC 27IP address 26default 71, 74obtaining 27rules 27LLAN port 63, 77Hotspot 97LEDs 64LEDscolor 69front panel 61activity 62cache storage status 61link status 61power/self test 62LAN port 64operation 69problems 277rear panel 64link speed 64port activity 64WAN port 64Linux license 358location command 269log formats 325log offload 140log, system 230configuring 230viewing 232logging access 140analyzing the logs 142configuring 140viewing 142logging inpassword 104user name 104logging in as a default user 88logout command 256MmanagementCommand Line Interface 251Management Information Bases (MIBs) 212management interface setup 105management softwareupgrading 235, 240management software upgradesconfiguring 241performing 243SNMP traps 240unsuccessful 241managing the Webcache 82, 88manual content filtering 157MIBs 212mimic 96dua1611-5aaa04.book Page 351 Friday, November 29, 2002 8:56 PM