2-5Using the Adaptec SCSI Card 39320D and SCSI Devices■ If you have two or more SCSI cards and your computer bootsfrom a SCSI disk drive, leave the host adapter BIOS enabled onthe SCSI card to which the boot disk drive is connected. UseSCSISelect to disable the host adapter BIOS on the other SCSIcards.■ If you have two or more SCSI cards, you can choose which SCSIcard is found first by your system by physically changing theorder of the SCSI cards in the PCI slots. Your system scans thePCI slots in a set order.Connecting the LED Connector(Optional feature) Most computers have an LED disk activity lighton the front panel of the system case. If you choose to disconnectthe cable from the LED connector on the motherboard and connectit to the LED connector on the SCSI card as shown in the figurebelow, the LED on the front panel of the computer will lightwhenever there is activity on the SCSI bus.Note: If you connect the LED cable to the SCSI card, the LEDdisk activity light will no longer indicate disk activity on thenon-SCSI disk drives.LED Connectoron SCSI Card1LED CablefromMotherboardPin 112-pinLEDCable