7-6Adaptec SCSI Card 39320D User’s Guide for Floppy Disks (OEM)Using the Load Command Line OptionsYou can specify several command line options when the driver isloaded. The available options are described in the table below. Thistable describes command line options for the adpu320.ham driverfor Ultra320 products.adpu320.ham Command Line OptionsOption NameDefaultValueAcceptableValues DefinitionSLOT If none specified, NeWareprompts you to choose.Dependent on systemconfiguration. Obtainsa physical slot numberfor the host adapter./LUN N/A N/A Scans all possibleLUNs.MAX_TAGS 16 1-128 Maximum number oftagged I/Os whichwill be active perdevice.VERBOSE off on,y,1,off, n Displays host adapterinformation.INSTRUMENTATION 0ff on,y,1,off, n Enables/disablesrecording of I/Ostatistics and errors.MULTLUN_TARGETS FFFF 0-FFFF A bit mask to enableLUNs on selectedtargets.LUN_ENABLE 1 (ScanLUN 0only)0-FF LUN scan enablesmask on all targets.IO_MAPPED off on,y,1,off, n Disables the autodetection of PCI-X andforces the use of I/OMapped. The defaultis off in which it willautomatically detectthe PCI-X slot and useI/O Mapped, or usememory mappedotherwise.READ_STREAMING off on,y,1,off, n Enables readstreaming to benegotiated for alldrives.