7-10Adaptec SCSI Card 39320D User’s Guide for Floppy Disks (OEM)3 If sbackup asks you to select the device driver, select the HPDIBI-2 Tape Driver, regardless of the type of SCSI tape drivebeing attached (for example, even if the tape drive ismanufactured by Wangtek, do not select the Wangtek driver).Note: Novell also includes a driver called adaptec.nlm. Thisdriver is not needed and should not be loaded. Adaptec’sdriver module takes advantage of ASPI interface featuresbypassed by adaptec.nlm.Novell publishes a list of SCSI tape drives supported bysbackup.nlm.Using a CD with NetWareNetware 4.2To use a CD with NetWare 4.2, follow these instructions:1 Load adpu320.ham by entering the following line::load [pathname]adpu3202 The scsicd.cdm driver will auto-load if the device(s) aredetected.Note: For multiple LUN CDs, enable multiple LUNscanning with the lun_enable switch (for example, loadadpu320 lun_enable=FF). The lun_enable switch isneeded for adpu320.ham. Type the following line at theprompt: scan all luns3 Enter the following line at the prompt, then note the numberand name of the CD::cd device list4 Enter the number or volume name of the CD at the commandline::cd mount [x] [name]5 Edit the startup.ncf file to include the load commands in Step 1and 2 above, if auto-mounting devices.