7-4Adaptec SCSI Card 39320D User’s Guide for Floppy Disks (OEM)6 Insert the Ultra320 FMS driver floppy disk for NetWare intoyour floppy disk drive.7 Press F3 and type a:\fmsimage\fms41\netware\v51_v60as the path to the adpu320.ham driver for NetWare.8 Select adpu320.ham and press Enter.9 Select Return to driver list and press Enter.10 To install additional adapters, follow the procedures fromStep 4.11 When complete, select Continue to complete the installation.Installing the Driver When NetWare is AlreadyInstalledTo update or install the adpu320.ham driver when NetWare isalready installed, follow the instructions in this section. Theprocedures are similar for all versions of NetWare. Procedures thatare specific to a NetWare version are noted when necessary.1 Make a backup copy of the old driver (if it exists) beforeinstalling the new driver.2 Copy the adpu320.ham driver from the Ultra320 FMS driverfloppy disk for NetWare into the server’s startup directory (forexample, c:\nwserver, c:\server.40) on your hard disk. Thisoverwrites any existing version of the driver in the directory.Note: For NetWare 4.2 and 5.0, the file is innetware\v42_50. For NetWare 5.1 and 6.0, the file is innetware\v51_60