3-6Adaptec SCSI Card 39320D User’s Guide for Floppy Disks (OEM)■ Initiate Wide Negotiation—(Default: Yes) Enables the SCSIcontroller to initiate Wide Negotiation with the SCSI target.When set to Yes, the SCSI card attempts 16-bit data transfer(wide negotiation). When set to No, the SCSI card uses 8-bitdata transfer unless the SCSI device requests wide negotiation.Note: Set Initiate Wide Negotiation to No if you are usingan 8-bit SCSI device that hangs or exhibits otherperformance problems with 16-bit data transfer rateenabled.■ Enable Disconnection—(Default: Yes) When set to Yes, EnableDisconnection allows the SCSI device to disconnect from theSCSI bus. When set to No, the SCSI device cannot disconnectfrom the SCSI bus. Leave the setting at Yes if two or more SCSIdevices are connected to the SCSI card. If only one SCSI deviceis connected, changing the setting to No results in slightly betterperformance.■ Send Start Unit Command—(Default: Yes) When set to Yes,sends the Start Unit Command to the SCSI device at bootup.This reduces the load on a computer’s power supply byallowing the SCSI card to turn on SCSI devices one-by-onewhen the computer boots; otherwise, all SCSI devices turn on atthe same time.Note: Check the device documentation to make sure thedevice supports the command. On most devices, you mustalso change a switch or jumper setting on the device toenable the device to respond to the command.The following options have no effect if the SCSI card BIOS isdisabled. (The SCSI card BIOS is normally enabled by default.)■ BIOS Multiple LUN Support—(Default: No) Leave this settingat No if the device does not have multiple LUNs. When set toYes, the SCSI card BIOS provides boot support for a SCSI devicewith multiple LUNs (for example, a CD “juke box” device inwhich multiple CDs can be accessed simultaneously).