4-6Adaptec SCSI Card 39320D User’s Guide for Floppy Disks (OEM)9 Select Add Value from the Edit menu. In the Value Name editbox, enter one of the valid parameter values. Make sure to enterthe appropriate data type for the value. To enter additionalvalues, repeat Steps 8 and 9.Note: Changes made with the Registry Editor do not takeeffect until you shut down and then restart your computer.Using Driver-specific ParametersTo use the Registry Editor to enter adpu320m.sys driver-specificparameters that affect the configuration information for AdaptecSCSI PCI device drivers, follow the instructions below. A list ofvalid parameters follows:Note: The following parameters are case-sensitive and must beentered exactly as shown. When entering multipleparameters, each parameter must be separated by a space.■ /MAXTAGS=nnn—specifies the tagged command queuedepth. If a number is not specified, the tagged queue depthdefaults to 128. Valid values are 1-255. The data type for thisvalue is REG_SZ.■ /MEMMAP—when set, the SCSI manager is memory mapped.If this key is not used, the default is I/O mapped. There are novalid values or default values. The data type for this value isREG_SZ.■ /BUS_FAIRNESS—when set, the SCSI bus avoids devicestarvation. There are no valid values or default values. The datatype for this value is REG_SZ.To enter driver-specific parameters:1 Select Run from the Start button.2 Type regedt32 and press Enter.