3-8Adaptec SCSI Card 39320D User’s Guide for Floppy Disks (OEM)When partitioning a disk larger than 1 GB, use the MS-DOSScreen Message utility as you normally would. Because thecylinder size increases to 8 MB under extended translation, thepartition size you choose must be a multiple of 8 MB. If yourequest a size that is not a multiple of 8 MB, Screen Messagerounds up to the nearest whole multiple of 8 MB.■ Post Display Mode—(Default: Verbose) During POST, theamount of information displayed depends on the mode. If youchange this setting, the change automatically applies to bothSCSI channels. The following modes are available:■ Verbose—The results of the SCSI bus scan are displayed, butthe results of the PCI bus scan are not displayed.■ Silent—Nothing is displayed about POST, not even theAdaptec banner. However, error messages are displayed ifthere is a problem on the SCSI bus or SCSI devices.■ Diagnostic—The PCI and SCSI bus scan results are displayedseparately. There is a pause between PCI and SCSI scans.■ SCSI Controller INT 13 Support—(Default: Enabled) Thisoption controls the state of the BIOS at POST time. Thefollowing settings are available:■ Enabled—Supports INT 13 for booting from a SCSI hard diskdrive connected to the SCSI card. If you use this option, thefollowing options are available:■ Extended INT 13 Translation for DOS Drives > 1 GB■ Support Removable Disks Under INT 13 as Fixed Disks■ BIOS Support for Bootable CD-ROM■ Disabled:NOT Scan—Set to this option if the devices on theSCSI bus (for example, CD-ROM drives) are controlled bysoftware drivers and do not need the BIOS, and you do notwant the BIOS to scan the SCSI bus.■ Disabled:Scan Bus—Set to this option if the devices on theSCSI bus (for example, CD-ROM drives) are controlled bysoftware drivers and do not need the BIOS, and you do notwant the BIOS to scan the SCSI bus.