5-16Adaptec SCSI Card 39320D User’s Guide for Floppy Disks (OEM)[xxxxx010] Error issuing commandAn error has occurred while the driver was setting up its internaldata structures.[xxxxx011] Error issuing commandThe requested command is not supported by this driver.[xxxxx012] Error issuing command[xxxxxx99] Error issuing commandThe driver does not recognize the target device.[xxxxx021] Target device protocol errorAn unexpected event occurred during data transfer between theadapter and target device. Normally, this indicates a faulty ornoncompliant target device.[xxxxx022] Adapter or target device protocol errorThe adapter or target device has broken the communicationprotocol. A badly behaving device could cause this message toappear. Normally this is not a serious problem. If you get thismessage frequently over a short period of time, it could indicatethat the device or system is malfunctioning. Unplug or turn offunused devices to see if the problem persists.[xxxxx023] Target device parity errorThe driver has detected a parity error by the target device.[xxxxx024] Data overrun or underrunThe adapter was given more or less data than the expected amountof data.[xxxxx031] Target device queue fullThe target device internal buffer is full.[xxxxx032] Target device busyThe target device reports a Busy status. Another program mayalready be using this device.