6-6Adaptec SCSI Card 39320D User’s Guide for Floppy Disks (OEM)To enter Windows XP parameters:1 Select Run from the Start button.2 Type regedt32 and press Enter.3 Open the Registry list to the following location:\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\adpu320\Parameters\DeviceIf the Parameters\Device keys already exist, skip to Step 8below to begin entering values. If the keys do not yet exist, youneed to create them by continuing with Step 4.4 Click on the adpu320 key.5 Select Add Key from the Edit menu; type Parameters in theKey Name edit box. Leave the Class edit box blank.6 Click on the Parameters key.7 Select Add Key from the Edit menu; type Device in the KeyName edit box. Leave the Class edit box blank.To specify a certain host adapter, append Device with thenumber of the host adapter. For example, type Device0 for thefirst host adapter, Device1 for the second, and so on. If youomit the host adapter number, the configuration informationapplies to all Ultra320 host adapters.8 Click on the Device key.9 Select Add Value from the Edit menu. In the Value Name editbox, enter one of the valid parameter values. Make sure to enterthe appropriate data type for the value. To enter additionalvalues, repeat Steps 8 and 9.Note: Changes made with the Registry Editor do not takeeffect until you restart your computer.